Friday, May 23, 2014

States of Consciousness

Sleep: It is a state of consciousness and that we are less aware of our surroundings

  • conscious
  • subconscious
  • unconscious
Why do we daydreams?
  • Help prepare for future events
  • Nourish our social development
  • Substitute for impulsive behavior
Fantansy Prone Personalities: Someone who imagines and recalls experiences with like vivdness and who spend considerate tme fantasizing

Biological Rhythms
  • Annual cycles: seasonal variations
  • 28 day cycles: menustrual cycle
  • 24 hour cycle: our circadian rhythm
  • 90 minute cycle: sleep cycles
Circadian Rhythm
  • Our 24 hour biological clock
  • Our body temperature and awareness changes throughout the day
Sleep of Consciousness
  • 90 - 100 minutes to pass through 5 stages
  • The brain's waves change according to the sleep stage you are in
  • The firsts four stages; it is called NREM sleep
  • The fifth stage is called REM sleep
Stage 1
  • Kind of awake and kind of asleep
  • Only lasts a few minutes, and you usually only experience it once a night
  • Your brain produces Theta waves
Stage 2
  • Follows stage 1 sleep and is the "baseline" of sleep
  • This stage is part of the 90 minute cycle and occupies appromixately, 45 - 60% of sleep
  • More Theta waves that get progressively slower
Stage 3-4
  • Slow wave sleeo
  • You produce Delta waves
  • If awoken, you will be very groggy
  • Vital for restoring body's growth hormone and good overrall health
  • May last 15 - 30 minutes
  • It is called "slow wave" sleep because brain activity slows down dramactically from the "theta" rhythm of stage 2 to a much slower rhythm called "delta" and the height of amplitude of the waves increases dramatically
  • Contrary to popular belief, it is delta sleep that is the "deepest" stage of sleep (not REM) and the most restorative
  • It is delta sleep that a sleep deprived person's brain craves the first and foremost
  • In chldren, delta sleep can occupy up to 40% of all sleep time and this is what makes children unawakenable
REM Sleep
  • Rapid eye movement
  • Brain is very active
  • Dreams usually occur in REM
  • Body is essentially paralyzed
  • Composes 20 - 25% of a normal nights sleep
  • Breathing, heart rate and brain wave activity quicken
  • Vivid dreams can occur
  • From REM, you gback to stage 2

Dreams: a ssequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a sleeping person's mind

Manifest Content: the remembered storyline of a dream

Latent Content: The underlying meaning of a dream

Why do we dream?

Three Theories

Freud's Wish-Fulfillment Theory
  • Dreams are the key to understanding our inner conflicts
  • Ideas and thoughts that are hidden in our unconscious
  • Manifest and latent content
Information Processing Theory
  • Dreams act to sort out and understand the memories that you experience that day
  • REM sleep does not increase after stressful events
Activation - Synthesis Theory
  • During the night, our brain stem releases random neural activity, dreams may be a way to make sense of that activity

1 comment:

  1. Like the organization and detail of your notes. The way it is detailed greatly shows that you know what you are talking about. You could have added some outside videos and more referencing pictures to let others have a better undrstading.
