Friday, May 23, 2014


Learning: It is a long lasting change in behavior due to experience

Ivan Pavlov: He was best known for being the man behind classical conditioning
 Classical Conditioning: it is an automatic learning; it involves being exposed to an unconditioned stimulus which is respnded with an uncondiotioned response

-Soon enought the (UCS) and the (UCR) become (CS) and (CR)

Acquisiton: does not exist for long

Timing Matters:
- Delayed Conditioning: present (CS), why (CS) is still there, present (UCS)

-Trace Conditioning: present (CS), short break, then present (UCS)

-Simultaneous Conditioning: (CS) and (UCS) presented at the same time

-Backward Condtioning: (UCS) is presented, then (CS) is presented

Spontaneous: After extinction, the (CR) still randomly appears after the (CS) is presented

Generalization: Something is so similar to the (CS) that you get a (CR)

Discrimination: Something is so different to the (CS) so you don't get a (CR)

Edward Thorndike: He made the theory Law of Effect; It is said that behavior changes when consequences are given

B.F. Skinner: well known for the theory, Operant Conditioning


- A reinforcer is anyhting that increases a behavior

Positive Reinforment: The addition of something pleasant

Negative Reinforcement: The removal of something unpleasant


- To punish is to decrease an undesirable behavior

Positive Punishment: addition of something unpleasant

Negative Punishment: removal of something pleasant

Shaping: is reinforcing small steps on the way to the desired behavior

Primary v. Secondary Reinforcers

Primary Reinforcer: Things that are in themselves rewarding

Secondary Reinforcer: Things we have learned to value

Token Economy: Every time a desired behavior is performed, a token is given

Reinforcement Schedules

  • Continuous
  • Fixed Ratio
  • Fixed Interval
  • Variable Ratio
  • Variable Interval

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