Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Research Methods

In psychology, many methods of research is done to subject in mind and also add a scientific information as well to it.

Hindsight Bias: The tendency to believe, after learning the outcome, that you knew it all along

Over Confidence: We tend to think we know more than we do

The Barnum Effect: It is the tendency for people to accept very general or vague characterizatins of themselves and take them to be accurate

                       APPLIED V. BASIC RESEARCH
Applied: clear, practical practices

Basic: explores questions that you may be curious about, but not intended to be immediately used

Hypothesis: Expresses a relationship between two variables

Independent Variable: whatever is being manipulated in the experiment

Dependent Variable: whatever is being measured in the experiment

Operational Definitions: Explain what you mean in your hypothesis
-How willthe variables be measured in "real life" terms

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