Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Correlational Research

Correlational Research: express a relationship between two variables
-Does not show causation

-Measured using a correlation coeffecient-a number that measures the strength of a relationship

-The relationship gets weaker the closer it gets to zero

                             Types of Correlation

Positive Correlation: The variables go in the same direction

Negative Correlation: The variables go in opposite directions


  1. It would have been extremely beneficial to explain what causation is for those who do not understand. My understanding of correlation is that it reveals what traits or behaviors accompany each other. For example does stress really lead to disease. Also, I was a bit confused as your image, a caption explaining what is going on would have done wonders. As far as positive and negative correlation goes, positive is a +1. negative a -1 and no relation is 0

  2. Good information, as Chisom said a few minor added details could go far.
    But as for correlation, what do you think researchers do when, and if, they reach the issue of having fairly split results, that turn out to show some positive, while others negative correlation?

  3. I think the picture helps explain the meaning of correlation a bit better. For me, I believe that when something is related to another, therefore it is a positive correlation. On the other hand, if there is no relation to two things, that means in it a negative correlation. Is that right?
