- Study how we change physically, socially, cognitively, and mentally over our lifetimes
Nature v. Nuture
Nature - The way you were born
Nurture - The way you were raised
Prenatal Development - Conception begins with the drop of an egg and the release of about 200 million sperm
-The sperm seeks out the egg and attempts to penetrate the eggs surface
...Once the sperm penetrates the egg, we have a fertilized egg called...the zygote
Zygotes - Less than half of all zygotes survive first two weeks
-About 10 days after conception, the zygote will attach itself to the uterine wall
-The outer part of the zygote becomes the placenta (which filters nutrients)
...After two weeks, the zygote ddevelops into...an embryo
Embryo - Lasts about six weeks
-Heart begins o beat and the organs begin to develop
...By nine weeks, we have...a fetus
Fetus - About the 6th month, the stomach and other organs have formed enough to survive outside the mother
-At this time the baby can hear (and recognize) sounds and respond to light
Teratogens - Chemical agents that can harm the prenatal environment
- Alcohol (FAS)
- Herpes
-See 8 - 12 inches from their faces
-Gaze longer at human like objects right from birth
Reflexes - Inborn automatic responses
Maturation - Physical growth, regardless of the environment
Puberty - The period of sexual maturation during which a person becomes capable of reproducing
Primary Sexual Characteristics - Body structures that make reproduction possible
- Testes - Ovaries etc.
Secondary Sexual Characteristics - Non-reproductive sexual characteristics
-Widening of the hips
-Deeper voices
-Breast Development
-Body Hair
Landmarks for Puberty
- Menarche for girls (Aunt Flow, Red Niagara Falls)
- Spermarche for boys (Popping a bottle of champagne)
Physical Milestones
- Menopause
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
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