Monday, April 7, 2014

Brain Structures

Scientists divide the brain up into 3 parts

1. Hindbrain

-Medulla Oblongata : Heart rate, breathing, blood pressure
-Pons : Connects hindbrain, midbrain and forebrain
  ~ Together, involved in facial expressions
-Cerebellum : located in the back of our head and also known as little brain
  ~Coordinates muscle movements, like tracking a target

2. Midbrain

-Reticular Formation : arousal and ability to focus attention
-Cerebellum : located in the back of our head and known as little brain
 ~ Coordinates muscle movements

3. Forebrain

-Thalamus : receives sensory information and sends them to appropriate areas of forebrain
 ~It's like a switchboard, everything but smell


Limbic System - emotional control center of the brain
-It is made up of:
  • Hypothalamus - pea sized in prain, but plays a large role in body temperature, hunger, thirst and sexual arousal (libido)
  • Hippocampus - involved in memory processing
  • Amgdala - vital for our nasic emotions  

Cerebral Cortex - top layer of the brain

Hemispheres - divided into right and left hemisphere

Contralateral controlled - left controls the right side of the body and vise versa

Corpus Callosum - attaches the two hemispheres of cerebral cortex

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